VogaCloset, CPA


Reward For orders with promo code
العمولة 80%

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Categories and Countries


Fashion & Lifestyle

البلد المستهدف

United Arab Emirates

Collaborate with VogaCloset

This VogaCloset campaign is a part of Takefluence information. In order to start cooperation with the campaign, you need to register on Takefluence platform.

Why Takefluence?

  • — payouts are both fix and commissions,
  • — earn for posting content,
  • — save on purchases,
  • — no minimum follower count to join and start earning,
  • — and much more.


Additional compensation levels

New user 13.84%
Existing user 3.84% (can be increase for the best performing coupons)

Bonus for your followers

العمولة: 80%
Pricing model: CPA

About brand

Variable (Different Discount for each product), affiliate coupon always +2%-3% extra discount on top of mass promo. Range from 20% to 80% (Except Beauty)

VogaCloset is a U.K. based online fashion store offering the latest women, men and kids trends from the runways directly to the closets of fashion enthusiasts in the Middle East.

To ensure an ongoing fresh and inspiring selection, VogaCloset offers more than 30,000 items from over 400 brands, with new fashion arrivals every day.

Forbidden actions



New user 13.84%
Existing user 3.84% (can be increase for the best performing coupons)

Hashtags & Mentions



You must need the following requirements to participate in this campaign


سجِّل على Takefluence!

للعلامات التجارية

زِد من وعي علامتك التجارية

التسجيل كشركة
لصانعي المحتوى

اكسب المال من صناعة المحتوى


نحن متحمسون لمعرفة المزيد عن علامتك التجارية ومساعدتك في تعزيز الوعي بها وزيادة المبيعات عبر منصة Takefluence.


يحتوي الدليل على 28 فكرة مع أكثر من 80 مثالا حول كيفية الترويج لبرنامج سفراء العلامة التجارية الخاص بك (سنضيف المزيد!).

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